Ashitaka and San from "Princess Mononoke" - Single

Ashitaka and San from
Ashitaka and San from "Princess Mononoke" - Single
Передняя обложка
Composed by Frozen Silence
Published by Frozen Silence
Release type Film Score - Official Release
Format 1 Digital - 1 tracks
Release date March 26, 2019
Duration 00:02:19
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Here you can freely listen to preview tracks from Ashitaka and San from "Princess Mononoke" - Single. Album was composed by Frozen Silence and was released on March 26, 2019. Soundtrack consists of 1 tracks tracks with duration over about 5 minutes. Album was released by Frozen Silence.

Tracks preview provided by iTunes. If you like Ashitaka and San from "Princess Mononoke" - Single, we strongly recommend to buy it. Support composers, artists and performers so they can release more music in the future. Furthermore, it's inexpensive. This album costs only 0.99 USD. Prices and shops where you can buy it are at the right column.

CD 1

Ashitaka and San (from "Princess Mononoke")
Frozen Silence
